Recommended Wines

Cameron Hughes Lot 457 Meritage Napa Valley 2013

As temperatures creep up to the dreaded 100’s in the Great Southwest, one might think that it is not an opportune time to look for a new house Big Red. On the contrary, my fellow wine sleuths, when others zig we like to zag, and your humble Wine Bargain Sleuth has a real treat for you in this month’s Value Wine No. 1: the Cameron Hughes Lot 457 Meritage Napa Valley 2013. We have reviewed and highlighted other Cameron Hughes wines previously, as the negociant’s philosophy and ours tend to align. However, the CH Lot 457 Meritage is a cut above even the typical high quality of Cameron Hughes offerings.

Cameron Hughes Lot 403 2012 Russian River Valley Pinot Noir

Those of you who follow The Wine Bargain Sleuth regularly are undoubtedly familiar with Cameron Hughes’ terrific value wines. In fact, it is fair to say that we could easily feature a Cameron Hughes wine as a recommended Value Wine each month. Savvy wine sleuths understand the value that all Cameron Hughes wines bring in terms of bang for your hard earned buck, and the Lot 403 2012 Russian River Valley Pinot is no exception.


As your humble Wine Bargain Sleuth peeks at his Outlook calendar he is somewhat surprised to see that the pending countdown to Thanksgiving, that uniquely American holiday and excuse to polish off a week’s worth of calories in between the Detroit Lions and the Dallas Cowboys football games with impugnity. That, of course, can only mean that it is high time for this month’s Chapter to unveil our recommendations to allow you sleuths to shine with your thoughtful wine selections at your own annual battle for the turkey leg with your families, friends, significant others and hungry, random strangers who popped in to purloin your dressing and that last piece of pumpkin pie!