Your humble Wine Bargain Sleuth has been, like most of my fellow sleuths, observing the local “shelter in place” directive during the uncharted waters of the COVID-19 virus scare. During this seemingly unending period of (more or less) voluntary quarantine, my significant other and I have been cooking at home more frequently, and one of the house favorites is Italian, particularly pasta with hearty meat sauces. I have also taken the opportunity to thin the herd in our wine cellar during this time, often dipping deeper into the prized bottles than is typical for Wednesday nights! While admittedly a very enjoyable diversion from the quarantine, at some point the reality of drinking expensive Napa Cabs or French Red Burgundies sets in, and wise sleuths begin to look for less taxing alternatives. And a terrific alternative Worth A Spurge Wine is the Marchesi Antinori 2015 Villa Antinori Riserva (Chianti Classico). This excellent 2015 Chianti Classico is a strong pairing with rich meat sauce and fresh pasta, with aromas on the nose of red berries and mint with a hint of oak. The palate yields elegantly integrated black cherry, currant and a hint of earthiness and toast. I had the opportunity to visit the immense and gorgeous Antinori winery in Tuscany, Italy last spring, and I have become a fan of not only the approachable Chianti Classicos, but also of the world class winery itself. With a suggested retail of $35, the Villa Antinori Riserva 2015 is a well-priced Worth a Splurge wine, particularly when one considers the the stellar 94 rating of Wine Spectator and 93 rating of Wine Enthusiast. Try to find a similarly decorated Cab in Napa or red Burgundy in France!