Your humble Wine Bargain Sleuth has recently become more aware of some of the truly amazing wines emanating from Paso Robles, California (the locals pronounce it “Pass-O RO-Bulz”, rather than the admittedly more elegant Spanish version).  I was lucky to visit the laid-back, charming but still quite agricultural area about a year ago on a trek from LA to San Francisco.  To say that Paso Robles feels a great deal different than Napa Valley is a huge understatement, a bit like comparing a spanking new flagship Mercedes S Class sedan to a rusting Ford F-150 work truck.  But one should make no mistake—there are some world class wines from this lesser-known region.  One such world class wine is the 2010 Epoch Estate Blend Paderewski Paso Robles, a Rhone-style blend of Syrah, Grenache, Mourvedre and Tempranillo grapes.  This unique red, from grapes more often associated with European rather than domestic wines, is best described as a rich and fruit-forward wine which at the same time manages to be quite balanced and complex, with a lovely acidity that makes it food-friendly.   I would pair this red beauty with a hearty roast or beef stew.  Its fine-grain tannins will definitely give the Epoch Estate Blend the backbone and structure to stand up to big dishes!  So impressed was Wine Spectator with this $40 retail red blend that it named the 2010 Epoch Estate Blend Paderewski as number 25 on the 2013 Top 100 Wines, awarding a very stout 93 rating to the wine.  Epoch’s proprietors Bill and Liz Armstrong named the 2010 Estate Blend for the vineyard’s namesake former owner, the late President of Poland and a former world class pianist and composer.   That is a lot of culture (and a lot of great flavor) from the relatively unknown Paso Robles region of California.   The Epoch beauty makes one memorable introduction to the region and certainly a Worth a Splurge Wine!