Greetings and Salutations!  Happy 2017 to all you wine sleuths!   We are very excited to roll out our new look with added functionality for our humble blog.  It was designed to look better and load much faster not only on your PC’s and Apple computers, but also on your tablets, smartphones, smartwatches, computer chip implants behind your left ear and virtual reality goggles! Basically, whatever device you are reading “The Wine Bargain Sleuth” on, it should now be a better and much more user-friendly experience!


Amazingly, our little blog is celebrating 4 full years.   What began as a basic idea and clearinghouse of quality wine information with a little dollup of fun and humor mixed in for a few friends has continued to grow exponentially and, hopefully, has given you the reader more and better information.  Additionally, you will find a simpler and much faster search engine by either clicking on “Recommended Wine” on the panel to the left OR clicking on any of our Archived Wines by clicking on your favorite varietal or wine-producing country on the panel to the left below.


You have our undying thanks and gratitude for helping us by reading “The Wine Bargain Sleuth” during our still young journey!  If you like our new format, please tell your wine buddies and acquaintances about us.   Remember, it’s easy to subscribe by typing in your preferred email address to the panel on the left and clicking on the “Subscribe” button.


Until next time, have a blessed and healthy 2017!


© The Wine Bargain Sleuth 2017—All Rights Reserved