Recommended Wines

Value Wine: Unique White from Oregon

This month’s Value Wine No. 2 is yet another delicious wine from Oregon, this time a lovely Pinot Gris from the Willamette Valley: the 2012 Apolloni L Cuvee…


How can you maximize the odds that special bottles will reward your sacrifice and patience rather than tasting like last month’s vinegar when uncorked?

Assuming for discussion’s sake that you do not have a cave handy, then a cool basement, a dedicated wine cellar or a wine refrigerator may all be possibilities for your cellar.

Value Wine: The Everyday Argentinian

One outstanding development I have noticed is the increasing occurrences of wine festivals across the country.   On a recent weekend excursion I was fortunate to attend a local…

Worth a Splurge Wine: A French Kiss from Loire

While the perception is that outstanding French wines are becoming more and more dear and unobtainable, you clever wine bargain sleuths know that with a little extra work…

Save Water —- Drink Wine!

Save Water —- Drink Wine!