Recommended Wines

Sonoma Coast Chard Beauty

If your budget doesn’t allow a classic White Burgundy but you want to step up your game a bit for friends and family, then look no further that the 2011 Failla Chardonnay Sonoma Coast. This domestic Chard from the next valley west of Napa makes an excellent pairing with your Thanksgiving or holiday meal. Its flavor profile is one of crisp apples and pears, with just a hint of citrus.

A Delightful Spaniard.

Although I am very fond of red Rioja’s, the Spaniard was certainly not my initial choice for a pairing with a traditional Thanksgiving meal. However, the 2007 Ondalan is so remarkably balanced that it would be a welcome guest at your Thanksgiving celebration.

The Original Fume Blanc

Do you and your guests prefer a crisper yet still nuanced white wine? Try a California original: the 2011 Robert Mondavi Fume Blanc (Oakville). Years ago Mondavi opted to call its Sauvignon Blanc wines “Fume Blanc”, and this 2011 Oakville offering is their best of the year sourced from classic Napa Valley vines, and in the view of Wine Enthusiast, “one of their best ever.”

Classic Bubbly from Reims!

The Piper-Heidsieck Brut NV features a satisfying toasty finish with the telltale tiny bubbles that give its drinker a smooth, balanced mouthful. Never harsh, yet retaining a touch of crisp acidity, the Piper-Heidsieck has been a house favorite for several years.


Greetings and salutations! I know what you are thinking as you read this month’s Chapter. You’re thinking, “How in the wide world of sports can it already be the week of Thanksgiving? Wasn’t I just handing out sweet treats to cutely costumed ankle biters a couple of days ago?” And you’re also thinking, “Ruh, Roh, I haven’t done my heroic wine acquisitions for the traditional Thanksgiving feast—I have to get on that—and now!”

Value Wine: Surprising Value from the South of France

Experience teaches us lessons that sometimes need to be overcome. Your humble Wine Bargain Sleuth loves surprises, and I found a delightful one in this month’s Value Wine No. 1: the Cameron Hughes Lot 343 2011 IGP Pays d’Oc Meritage. I say that lessons sometimes need to be overcome because I rarely think of quality French wines as values when sampling the candidates for our monthly recommendations. In the case of the Cameron Hughes Lot 343, that would be a huge mistake!

Value Wine: Class in a Bottle from Tuscany

After giving props to Italy for becoming the world’s largest wine producing nation in this month’s Chapter, it seemed only fair to demonstrate a great reason that dynamic has occurred. From the legendary Italian wine region of Tuscany hails the remarkable 2011 Cecchi Sangiovese Toscana.

Value Wine: A Classic White from South Africa

This lovely South African Sav Blanc displays the typical varietal citrus flavors, although it leans more toward lime that a more frequently detected grapefruit, with a touch of sea salt and even a touch of white asparagus to tickle those taste buds. The 2012 Graham Beck would be a terrific pairing for ceviche, scallops or even a baked white fish.


I managed a few of thoughts of my own and formulated my theory of just what makes a Wine Snob. Does having a discerning taste in wine make one a Wine Snob? Hardly. Does the thirst (pun intended) to learn about new and different wines make one a Wine Snob? I think not.

Worth a Splurge Wine: Cabernet Goodness from Paso Robles

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to taste a terrific Cabernet Sauvignon from one of California’s upcoming but lesser known wine regions, Paso Robles.  I was so…

Value Wine: Unique White from Oregon

This month’s Value Wine No. 2 is yet another delicious wine from Oregon, this time a lovely Pinot Gris from the Willamette Valley: the 2012 Apolloni L Cuvee…


How can you maximize the odds that special bottles will reward your sacrifice and patience rather than tasting like last month’s vinegar when uncorked?

Assuming for discussion’s sake that you do not have a cave handy, then a cool basement, a dedicated wine cellar or a wine refrigerator may all be possibilities for your cellar.

Value Wine: The Everyday Argentinian

One outstanding development I have noticed is the increasing occurrences of wine festivals across the country.   On a recent weekend excursion I was fortunate to attend a local…

Worth a Splurge Wine: A French Kiss from Loire

While the perception is that outstanding French wines are becoming more and more dear and unobtainable, you clever wine bargain sleuths know that with a little extra work…

Save Water —- Drink Wine!

Save Water —- Drink Wine!

Worth a Splurge Wine: Argentine Splendor!

An undeniable treat and this month’s Worth a Splurge Wine is the 2010 Catena Malbec from Argentina.  Retailing for a very reasonable $26, this may be the Malbec…

Value Wine: Pink from Washington!

This month’s Value Wine No. 2 is a perfect summer sipper:  a lively, crisp blush wine from the State of Washington:  the 2012 Charles and Charles Rose.  A…

Value Wine: Affordable Oregon Pinot Noir!

During the recent heat wave in my neck of the woods (read, a few degrees shy of the surface of the sun last week!), I have been in…


We have carefully attempted to identify very good (and even great) wines that set themselves apart from the herd each month, but we don’t necessarily just try to identify the least expensive wines. Heck, that would be cheating. Besides, as you wine sleuths are well aware, Life is Too Damned Short to Drink Bad Wine!

Value Wine: Pink Bubbles from Spain

I recommend the Jaume Serra Brut Rose Cava Cristalino NV, available for a terrific bargain at $10.  Although Roses and other blush wines have not yet caught on…


Greetings and salutations!  Believe it or not, kids, what still vaguely seems like a new year is more than halfway to 2014.  Is it me, or is the…

Value Wine: A Unique Summer Cuvee

I can’t resist offering up a third Value Wine this month with our theme of hosting a summer wine dinner:   the Peju Provence NV from Napa Valley.  Available…

Value Wine: No Brainer Cali Sav Blanc

Do I have a bargain for you, boys and girls.  Want a high-quality summer wine but only have a 10 spot in your wallet?   Look no further than…

Splurge Wine: Beauty of a Pinot Noir

Quite possibly the best Pinot Noir I have recently sampled, particularly when price is taken into account, is the 2010 Belle Glos Santa Maria Valley Clark & Telephone…

Worth a Splurge Wine: Single Vineyard Excellence

Just because warmer weather is coming doesn’t mean that red wine fans will change their colors.  This month’s Worth a Splurge Wine is an elegant powerhouse wine from…

Value Wine: The Value Cali Blend

This month’s Value Wine No. 2 is an incredible bargain from a wine value producer you should be familiar with: the 2010 Bogle Essential Red. Bogle is that…

Value Wine: A Perfect Grilling Partner from Sonoma

With so much focus on this month’s Chapter on Napa Valley, I don’t think it hurts to brag a little on a jewel of a wine from neighboring…


Greetings and salutations! June, sweet June! The kids are out of school, my rapidly deteriorating math homework skills are placed securely on the back shelf, the grass is…

Value Wine: Classic California Chardonnay

Our Value Wine No. 3 is the 2010 Kendall-Jackson Grand Reserve Chardonnay from the Central Coast of California. The 2010 K-J Grand Reserve is widely available and should…

Worth a Splurge Wine: I AM Drinking This Merlot!

With due respect to the now-infamous protest of Paul Giamatti’s character Miles in the film Sideways, this month’s Worth a Splurge Wine is the 2009 Meeker Maker’s Handprint…


Peeling Back the Curtain: One of the most enjoyable parts of taking on the commitment of writing The Wine Bargain Sleuth is the many conversations I have had with friends and wine experts about their favorite wines, varietals and ideas.

Value Wine: A Worthy Sparkler from…New Mexico?

I have a treat for you this month: bubbles from the great state of New Mexico from a family of French immigrants who know Champagne, the Gruet Brut…

Worth a Splurge Wine: A Prototype Chianti Classico

Completing our triumvirate of great Italian imports, this month’s Worth a Splurge Wine is the 2009 Castello di Volpaia Chianti Classico Riserva.  As with last month’s Splurge wine…

Value Wine: A Remarkable Tuscan Value

Value Wine No. 2 is a delicious blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Montepulciano, the 2010 Fattoria Carpoli Toscana Sada Integolo.  If you enjoy Cabernet Sauvignon then this Tuscan…

Value Wine: A Superior Italian White

From the cool climates of the Friuli region of Northeastern Italy comes the delicious 2011 Scarbolo Pinot Grigio, this month’s Value Wine No. 1.  The Scarbolo is a…

Chapter 14: VIVA ITALIA!

Italy has led the world in wine production for the past three years, with 2012’s total being a whopping 40.8 million hectoliters produced. Even more relevant to Americans, Italy is the number one exporter of wines to our country. Yet many of us in the United States (along with everyone in France!) still consider France to be the wine leader of the world.


Greetings and salutations! Happy New Year and welcome to these the ‘Teens. Many of us wine lovers have started wine collections, large and small. Yes!! I am feeling…